Burns Matheson - Senior Patrolman - 1931 / 36 - Field
Officer - 1940 / 45
Burns Matheson was born in Berlin, New Hampshire, USA in 1902. His father
enjoyed sailing and sailboat racing. In 1904 the elder
Matheson perished in a sail boat race after which little
Burns was taken to Prince Edward Island to live with his
grandparents. In his late teens Burns ended up working for
the La Pas Lumber Company near Carrot River, Saskatchewan
where he stayed from 1920 to 1930.
Early in 1931 Burns Matheson took a job with the DNR as fire patrolman
north of the Torch River working out of the Torch River
Forestry Headquarters, more popularly known as Grassy Lake.
After his arrival in Nipawin he hired Harold DeLance to take
him and his provisions north to the Torch River district
with his 2-ton truck. After crossing the Torch River on the
short-lived bridge at Lloyd’s Crossing. The 25 mile trip
from Nipawin to Bill Clarke’s place east north-east of the
future site of the Torch River school took them all day due
to the badly rutted and exceedingly muddy roads. They spent
the night with the Clarke’s and the next morning Gerry
Parker showed up with a horse-drawn buckboard to take
Matheson the few miles west to his new temporary home with
Kai Thorson. He and Kai were to assist the local
homesteaders with their spring burning projects.
In September, 1931 Matheson filed on NE 28-53-15-W2 since he needed a
place to live during the winter months. He stayed with a
neighbor, Fred Carter, while he was building his cabin. He
also built log barn for his horse which he had purchased
from Bill Clarke when he, Matheson, had first arrived in the
Since all patrolling was done on horseback he often would
come upon wildlife unexpectedly in their natural habitat. He
often heard the whistling of the bull elk and became quite
adept at mimicking their call. In a history of the DNR
compiled by that branch of the Saskatchewan government he
tells of a close encounter he had with such an animal on one
of his patrols.
It was early in September a year or two after his arrival at Torch River
and while out on patrol he was amusing himself practicing
his elk calls totally forgetting the fact that it was the
elk mating season. He was forcibly reminded of this
oversight when he heard the enraged whistling of a bull elk
accompanied by a crashing in the bush near him. The end
result was that Matheson spent a very uncomfortable hour up
a tree hanging on for dear life while the enraged beast
pawed and butted at the base. In his narrative he admitted
to actually fearing for his life. He never made that mistake
again. During the rut he never, ever called attention to
himself in such a manner while in the bush.
In 1933 his boss, Gerry Parker, decided that an area that included the
Narrow Hills should be turned into a provincial park due to
its unique nature. Parker sent Burns Matheson on a fact
finding mission to document its many unique features.
Matheson did his job well and, using the documentation
provided by him, Parker pushed for, and achieved, the
creation of the Nipawin Provincial Forest which later became
the Nipawin (Narrow Hills) Provincial Park. It was made
official in January of 1934.
While at Grassy Lake he met and courted a local girl, Edith Anderson,
whom he married on December 14th, 1933. His good friend,
Gerry Parker, stood up for them as their witness. In 1936
the Matheson's made the move to Beaverhouse Tower when Burns
was promoted and became Field Officer there. A much more
important and far reaching event also occurred in 1933, the
birth of their daughter and only child, Peggy Janee.
Upon Gerry Parker’s leaving Grassy Lake, and subsequently the DNR,
Matheson replaced him as Field Officer at Grassy Lake. After
his arrival at Grassy Lake he supervised the construction of
some of the buildings at the new tower site which included
an office, a shop and a small 2 room cabin which was later
occupied by the resident towerman, all built of lumber.
Before the shop building could be erected the old Grassy
Lake Tower #2 had to be demolished. This was the first
Grassy Lake Tower built by the DNR shortly after taking of
administration of forests in Saskatchewan and was very near
the site of the planned building. This was a structure built
mainly of logs and was removed by the simple process
of pulling two legs out from under it and letting it smash
on the ground.
The log Field Officer’s quarters and a log barn for the horses that were
required to move about the district had been built at an
earlier time before the new steel tower had been built
probably about the same time that the wooden tower had been
built. Mac Howland was the radio operator while Matheson was
Field Officer at Grassy Lake.
While stationed at Grassy Lake Matheson's daughter, Peggy, went to school
at the Torch River School. Mrs. Ansgar Aschim was the
teacher there at the time and took both her son and Peggy to
and from school every day. In the winter Mrs. Aschim often
took the children to school by dog sleigh. (Ansgar Aschim
was a special patrolman working out of Lower Fishing Lake
under Gerry Parker and at one point was involved in doing a
clandestine beaver census in the northern part of the Grassy
Lake district.)
In 1943 Matheson organized the very first Saskatchewan Forestry School
which was held at the Grassy Lake Tower site. One of the
star pupils of that school was Ansgar Aschim who was working
out of the Grassy Lake site at the time. In 1945 the
Mathesons was transferred to Hudson Bay (Junction) being
replaced as Field Officer at Grassy Lake by Phil Reed. In
1947 Matheson became Regional Superintendant in Prince
Albert and remained there until 1962. He then spent 2 years
as Regional Superintendant in Regina, retiring in 1964, thus
ending a 33 year career with the DNR. Burns Matheson
succumbed to cancer on June 28th, 1980.
Marvin Torwalt